Opsec, Is it Important?

Opsec, Is it Important?

May 10, 2016 Media Privacy Security Tech Preps Technology 0

Opsec, Is it Important?
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps

Opsec, Is it Important?In this episode I will talk about Opsec (operational security) and if it is important. The need for this in my opinion is extremely important to preppers, and everyone else in today’s world. Today’s world is not the good place it once was, full of people who will use your own information against you. The need for privacy and secrecy is a necessity. We have to be conscious about who we give certain information to and what we divulge about ourselves. We are so willing to give our information when someone calls and sounds authoritative, or in public when someone asks for information when we purchase items or when we are filling out paperwork. There is a point where you have to tell yourself that they do not need this and you shouldn’t be making yourself vulnerable like this.

5-9-16 opsec_primerI will talk about what you should look for with this and I will also talk about online data, whether we should avoid using our name, our location, who we can and cannot trust. The need to protect yourself is key, prepping for all manner of disasters but a lot of us do not look at the threat right in front of us. Protection comes in many forms, physical security, financial, food preps, mental stability etc.

5-9-16 OPSEC-StepPosterWe will take a look at social media, chat rooms, websites where you can pay for items, what you can and should do when using your credit card online. Also what information you should and shouldn’t give up. We take a lot for granted when it comes to the online thinking that we are anonymous. If you break down what information you have given up you may start to realize and think twice about your own personal opsec. Hopefully I will give you a few keys and make you think about what we should be looking for. Enjoy the show and again questions are most welcome!
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