Maintaining a minimal online footprint!

Maintaining a minimal online footprint!

April 18, 2015 Internet Privacy Tech Preps 0

Maintaining a minimal online footprint!
Host: John 9DirtyLew) “TechPrep

online footprint o-DIGITAL-FOOTPRINT-facebookThis show is about “maintaining a minimal online footprint or staying OPSEC,” while communicating or browsing the Internet. These tips will allow you maintain a minimal viewing on the internet but still allow you to roam freely without much worry. We will be discussing different software programs and internet proxies that will allow you to be masked or re-directed. This will allow you to have a variation on your IP address without your “actual” IP address being affected.

Some of the programs we will be discussing are:

1. TOR (The Onion Relay) – http://www.torproject.orgonline footprint im52bf2zzzbcelygbwgp

2. VPN Reactor –

3. –

4. Pidgin (Open-Source Multi-Platform IM client) –

We will also be discussing the reasons why you should maintain a minimal digital online footprint or reasons why to be “OPSEC” online. This could be for many reasons such as employment, creating a “pseudonym” account, releasing secrets or breaking “OPSEC,” or being a member of a group that’s credibility is not in check which may make you pertinent on being monitored by either an ISP or a Government agency. This will allow for you to blend in and not be a member of “the Most Wanted List”
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