Conspiracy Theory 101

Conspiracy Theory 101

September 27, 2016 Communication Privacy Security Tech Preps 0

Conspiracy Theory 101
Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show in player below!

Conspiracy Theory 101There’s worry among the prepper community about government or others and tracking. Would you like to know the facts about conspiracy theories when it comes to tracking? You may be surprised at the capabilities to track individuals and if you think they do not exist you in for another surprise. In the following show I will dispel some myths and theories about what is possible and what is not.

9-26-16-security-surveillsoci-imageThe concern is genuine when it comes to your privacy. I have discussed this in many of my shows about opsec, personal privacy, and security not only in real life but also in dealing with your online presence. I hear many people tell me “well I have nothing to hide” but it really does not matter what you have or do not have to hide. It is about personal privacy and your right to it. There are some lines when it comes to constitutional rights and human rights when we talk about this subject, some may surprise you and some may absolutely shock you.

The need for privacy as a prepper is paramount. We have a lifestyle that certainly attracts the attention from the higher ups in power. We may also come across as fanatics to exploit to further their agenda. I will note I am not a conspiracy theorist but I think this needs to be talked about as a whole.

9-26-16-download-1Many of us get an over sense of security and some of us go straight out paranoid about the subject. Whatever your belief may be I will hope to shed some light on the subject and maybe relieve you. Or maybe scare you depending on your current beliefs. Either way it should be a great show and as always questions are welcome!
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