OPSEC How your crumbs can add up to Cake!

OPSEC How your crumbs can add up to Cake!

August 5, 2017 Internet Privacy Reality Check Security 0

OPSEC and how your crumbs can add up to Cake!
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

OPSEC and how your crumbs can add up to CakeIn this show we will be discussing Operations Security or OPSEC. I’ll explain why OPSEC is important and what you can do to protect yourself and reduce your risks and vulnerabilities. You will see how you are leaving crumbs that can add up to a cake and lastly I’ll detail how to:

Listen to this broadcast or download “OPSEC and how your crumbs can add up to Cake” in player below!

• Identify YOUR Critical Information. Critical Info is the core secrets of an activity, capability, or intention that if known to the adversary, could weaken or defeat the operation

• Analyze YOUR Threats. What can go wrong? What enemies might you have? Who could be a threat to you? Neighbors, Foreign Governments, Friends, or Family?

• Analyze YOUR Vulnerabilities and Risks. What do you do when a tornado or hurricane takes out your house and preps? What do you do if an angry mob fire bombs your house? What if terrorist breach the local dam or poison the water supply? What if cyber-terrorism takes out your bank and the EBT system?

• Employ appropriate Protective Measures or in my business ‘compensating controls’ Well first is you need to look at your unique situation. We must look at ourselves as the adversary would. If I were a bad guy and I wanted to get at my stuff how would I do it.

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