Family Vacation & Still Prepping

Family Vacation & Still Prepping

March 30, 2017 I Am Liberty Planning Preparedness Safety Security 0

Family Vacation & Still Prepping
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Family Vacation & Still PreppingI know we dedicate a lot of time and money to prepping and survival but I am a firm believer in balance. I think as important as it is to be prepared it’s just as important to hit the road and go on vacation. That said, you still need to be prepared on the road. Of course, things can go terribly wrong and you must have a plan to either get home to safety or find safety in your local area.

There are some things that can be done to help prepare yourself and your family when you leave basecamp and go on vacation. There are also things you should do to your home when you leave it for any amount of extended time. So, we will discuss how to prepared the home as well as what to take with you on your trip.

·         Preparing the home for vacation

·         What items to bring on your trip

·         Recon before the trip

·         Situational Awareness

·         Turn it off for a while.

You will find that there are many different ways to prepare when leaving your home for an extended. Leaving it behind is important. Here is a quick secret. If you are driving on a vacation trip. Treat it just like a bugout. It’s very important to utilize all of your time effectively. Vacation is about relaxation but you will find yourself running towards preparedness ideas and concerns.

Remember to turn it off. Remember when you are on vacation to have a drink. To kiss your spouse and watch your children play is what its all about. You need to enjoy yourself. What you will find is that when you return home you will be revitalized and feel ready to forge on with your preparedness goals. These are the benefits of a vacation.
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