Search Results for “prepper fit”

Police militarization, the dangers!

Police militarization, the dangers! Host: I Am Liberty To me there are few things more demeaning than the idea of a military presence in this country. The country that ousted its foreign oppressor and declared its independence on a new land. No matter how you feel about those early days of the country and the…
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October 4, 2013 2

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine! Host: Sam Coffman Depending on where you live in the USA, the time is upon us (and even a little past) for planting fall gardens. Sam Coffman talks through a myriad of subjects regarding growing our own food. Do you know how to properly prepare your garden soil?…
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October 1, 2013 0

A Magic Journey

A Magic Journey: By: E.L. Jacobs A Magic Journey: When I was a small boy I made a journey in a covered wagon, going with my parents from their homestead in Oklahoma Territory to the part of Kansas they had come from, and back again to the homestead. This was not one of those painful…
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September 30, 2013 0

Tues…The Human Path! 8:00pm/Ct

The Human Path ! With Sam Coffman Tuesday: 9:00 pm/Est  8:00 pm/Ct  6:00pm/Pt   For live interactive chat during broadcasts of “The Human Path” go to Listen and Chat on day and times listed above.   Listen or Download all archived shows for “The Human Path”  below!   On the next episode of “The Human…
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September 26, 2013 0

Life Changes! Be Ready!

Life changes! We all know the only thing that is constant is change. Are you ready for the changes that could come your way? Flood, fire, drought, hurricane, tornado, extreme cold, terrorist event, economic issues and more occur constantly, a fact proven over and over. Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected events…
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September 19, 2013 0

Degradation of Rights, U.S. vs Canada

Has the degradation of our rights in Canada caught up with the U.S.? In a huge sidestep from my normal subject guide lines, I’m going to dive into politics this week on The Prepared Canadian. Yes, that’s right, politics. Now, the reason I don’t usually delve into this realm is because it incites a lot…
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September 14, 2013 1

Mike Ritland and dog behavior!

Mike Ritland discussing dog behavior is on this edition of Pet Prep Radio Show with Sheri The Organic Pet Lady. Mike and I have another terrific conversation to talk about dogs. We discuss the topic aggressive dogs, behavior, genetic behavior, breed specific legislation and why that is a bad idea. We try to dispel some of…
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September 10, 2013 0

Preparedness Skills and Topics for the Individual, Home, and the Neighborhood!

Today’s podcast is a culmination of several topics that are in response to several emails about my previous podcasts and articles. All of these email subjects can be tied together, however, under the topic of “Preparedness Skills.” I start this podcast by discussing some of the different methods that we learn important skills – and…
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September 4, 2013 0

Preparing your Body, Meals from Superfoods.

We all know about the superfoods. Those spices and herbs that can turn you into a health beast. There are so many great foods out now and the science to back it up is stronger than ever. But the question is, what the hell do you do with a pomegranate seed or how do I…
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August 30, 2013 0

Having the skills to survive, and performing under pressure!

Sam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments. In his first podcast on Prepper Broadcasting…
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August 22, 2013 0

Developing your “Homestead Master Calendar”

Why do it and how to do it! In previous episodes of the Homestead Honey Hour, I’ve talked about locating and developing your homestead as well as finding balance on said homestead. This time I’d like to take it a step further and share how to keep track of everything you have going. As we…
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August 15, 2013 0

Do you have skills, and can you really perform them under pressure?

Sam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments. In his first podcast on Prepper Broadcasting…
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August 14, 2013 0

Sharing the Rewards of a Community Garden!

I wanted to update you on our community garden. We are in the thralls of our first growing season and there have been plenty of challenges. Still for our small amount of space we were able to garner some quality vegetables and I am sure we will continue to grow. From this experience I have…
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August 9, 2013 0