Bartering, Then and Now!

Bartering, Then and Now!

April 13, 2017 Barte and Trade Bartering Budget I Am Liberty Saving Money 0

Bartering, Then and Now!
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Bartering, Then and NowOn this special episode of I Am Liberty we talk about taking advantage of the barter economy that is alive and well out there. Dare I say it could even be growing. We are in the most entrepreneurial time in history. Everyone is peddling something or another. Its harder than ever to make the right decisions about advertising and you know what sometimes I say “Screw it” and ask a company to swing a product my way for a shout on I AM Liberty.

When I say everyone is peddling something that doesn’t mean everyone is a millionaire. That means people have products and their products need exposure. If you get creative you can take advantage of this barter economy.

We talk about bartering past and present as well as determining value in the things you are trying to barter. Don’t miss this one and share it with your friends.
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