Why not chat?

Why not chat?

November 12, 2017 Articles Opinion Preppers Shows 0

Why not chat?

Why not chat?Finding quality shows to meet the demands of the prepper survival listening audience is no easy task. As producer of Prepper Broadcasting I’ve worked with many podcasters over the last several years. I have had many favorites but on occasion I have to stop and wonder, do I really have favorites? While I no longer do a podcast myself I easily remember the work that it takes to put a 60-minute show together (it’s not as easy as one might think). After several hours of gathering information and developing an outline it’s show time. I know the work these host do, they are all my favorites but where is everyone?

While listens and downloads have never been better and are always increasing the chat room seems to remain modest, not growing at the same rate as our show’s popularity. We have two new shows that are hits. The lineup of nightly shows has not seen this level of experience and knowledge in quite some time, if ever.

For the hosts there are rewards in knowing you are reaching an audience looking for the information you provide, those listeners that want to learn new things or get another perspective on what they already know or think they already know. The hosts know how well their shows are doing not because of the listeners in the chat room during live shows but because I see the numbers, listens and downloads and I tell them.

You may be one of the thousands of regular listeners that do not come into the chat room during live broadcast. I have no doubts most reasons are valid. Have you thought about what you may be missing if you make it to the chat room during live broadcast? I can assure you that you would be pleasantly surprised.

Show your support for these hosts and give chat a try. Join us in the chat room during live broadcast. Hear What You’ve Been Missing!


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