Are you training to Survive or to Kill?

Are you training to Survive or to Kill?

April 20, 2017 I Am Liberty Preparedness Preppers Self Defense Survival 0

Are you training to Survive or to Kill?
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Are you training to Survive or to Kill?We often get the best look at ourselves when we separate from what we do on a daily basis. In survival and preparedness heavy introspection is so important. It’s a lonely and oftentimes thankless effort that only shows its benefits in the worst of times. You get a warm feeling when you can provide comforts in a situation that is often void of such.

I spent some time reflecting on these two weeks away and I learned some things about my efforts as well as brought a shocking question to the forefront of my own prepping as well as others close to me.


This thought came to mind as I was looking at how I spend much of my preparedness time. What am I concentrating on learning. Where is my focus? Do I have a focus? With all the information, out there today its hard to stay focused and its so important that we do! So I encourage you to ask yourself the same question.

Self-defense is crucial but I see myself more often concerned with dispatching my fellow Americans following a SHTF scenario than hardly anything else. On this show, in particular I am going to talk about a few ways to understand what you are training for and how to both understand that and make modifications.

·         What are you training now? Do you know?

·         Using Spreadsheets to monitor your information intake

·         What are your true motivations?

·         What are your strengths as a survivor?

·         Find your survival niche

The time we spend learning is so crucial. Its time we review our efforts a little more often and spend time honing skills. Settling into a niche doesn’t mean we are imprisoning ourselves. If you are simply bouncing around survival sites reading things that interest you or bait you it may be somewhat like prison already. How will you get better? Lets talk about it tonight.
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