Tragedy in Moncton & Social Media!

Tragedy in Moncton & Social Media!

June 14, 2014 Preppers 0

Tragedy in Moncton & Social Media!
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian”

MonctonIt is indeed a tragedy in Moncton NB this week that has left wives without husbands, children without fathers, at the hand of Justin Bourque. As we know, he went on a shooting rampage clearly aimed directly at law enforcement. Such actions can never be justified nor tolerated in society. There are, however lessons to be learned from these events. The first thing that we have to keep in mind is that it was Justin Bourque who killed 3 RCMP officers and wounded 2 others, not the weapons he was carrying.

Unfortunately, there was a lot of misinformation circulated the media, and even worse, was the ignorant comments being made through various social media venues such as Twitter and Face book. This week I will talk about some of the misinformation broadcast over the television networks by reporters who for whatever reason, chose to report false information about the events. Also, I will explain why we need to question even the so called experts that the media presents to us and how the media chooses such experts.

MonctonIn addition, I will talk about the problems associated with using social media for information during a crisis. Of course, not to be left out of the equation is the inevitable arguments that the anti gun lobby will, and already has, been using and why these arguments simply don’t hold water.

Of course, I will not and simply cannot ever condone actions such as these. Should we stand up for our rights as law abiding citizens? Of course we should, but we also have to keep in mind that we cannot break laws and take lives to make our point. People who commit such crimes should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, and perhaps we should even take a look at punishing these offenders even more severely, but neither should we take aim at restricting the rights of those that have not and likely never will do anything wrong.
Related article HERE!
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