Tools for Preppers to disappear in plain sight”

Tools for Preppers to disappear in plain sight”

December 18, 2012 Planning Preparing For Life's Storms Preppers Privacy Security Tactics 0

Bexar 18.2Bexar 18Come join us Tuesday December 18th at 8pm central time, as we discover “Tools for Preppers to disappear in plain sight”. Tonight on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” BexarPrepper’s guest will be Author Frank M. Ahearn , of “How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace” and “The Digital Hit Man: His Weapons for Combating the Digital World”. He is a privacy expert and digital manipulator. He started out as the skip tracer that had to change his job direction as technology and government controls increased. He helps people to disappear.

 You all know once information is out on the internet it’s there forever. There is very little if anything you can do to take it back. In his book The Digital Hit Man he teaches you how to hide in plain sight using disinformation. In today’s technological world hiding in plain sight is the only way to disappear. As preppers we choose to open ourselves up to the world in order to help others prepare. This is a tough decision to make, so having tools that can help us once again hide, if the need arises is valuable information. So come join us as we learn a little about, as Mr. Ahearn puts it “How to create digital deception to solve your digital problems.”

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