Threats Post SHTF and What You Can Do About Them!

Threats Post SHTF and What You Can Do About Them!

January 18, 2014 Preppers 1

Threats Post SHTF and What You Can Do About Them

ThreatsRecently, a self proclaimed prepper from the Tacoma Washington area “Tyler Smith” was arrested after appearing on the National Geographic Channel’s Doomsday Preppers show. Tyler Smith was not singled out for being a mentally unstable gun enthusiast, nor for any other reason than breaking the law. Just what were those laws? Well, it seems that Smith is a convicted felon and for that reason is not allowed to posses firearms in any way, which he was in clear violation of on the show. To add to the matter, Smith is what is known as a marauder…a so called prepper who’s plan is not to stockpile supplies, or be able to provide for himself, but to take by force from those around him including his neighbors.

ThreatsUnfortunately, these people do exist, although shunned by the vast majority of the prepper community. But these marauders are not the only threat preppers face after SHTF. The unprepared, small time crooks, existing gangs, and even the government are all threats to your supplies and well being. This week, I’ll talk about the different threats we preppers face once the poop has already hit the propeller, and look at a number of ways that you can boost your security plan to defend against them.

Also, I will start a new segment, which is a spin off from the forum called “what did I do to prep this week”. Each week I will talk about what I have done to be better prepared, in the hopes of inspiring others to do something each week to better protect themselves and their families. Some of these preps will be quite straight forward, and some of them, considering a few of my future plans, could be quite surprising and hopefully inspirational.
Oh ya, and don’t forget to check out the survival summit…a 5 day long event with video presentations from the prepping communities utmost authorities on all things prepper.
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian
Visit the Prepared Canadian blog: Go Here!

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