Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

Survivalists, Preppers and the others, Whats the difference?

August 24, 2013 Community Involvment Prepper Mentality Preppers The Prepared Canadian 0

Canada 125About a year ago I wrote a post for the Canadian Preppers Network blog called Two Solitudes. The article was about a division I saw developing between those who consider themselves Preppers and those that consider themselves survivalists. Now, this divide seems to be growing. What’s worse is that there is a whole new category being added to the mix that I call “others” for lack of a better, more polite term.

This week on The Prepared Canadian Broadcast, I’ll explain what I see as the core differences between these three groups, a bit of the history behind them, and why I believe now, more than ever these groups want to separate and in many cases even disassociate themselves from each other.

Survival groupsLately it seems we have all become a bit more complacent. Do we need another major incident to awaken us once again to the reason for being prepared? Who knows when we will see another major event that disrupts our daily routines reminding us why we prepare. We will never have sufficient warning to prepare for the earthquake, flash flood, power outage, or anything else that looms ahead. Always we should remain vigilant and work together in our quest to be resilient, self sustaining and prepared.

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