Survival Skills For Women

Survival Skills For Women

October 24, 2015 Articles Mind Set Preparedness Preppers Survival 0
Survival Skills For Women

Women FireStarter.grid-4x2A general perception about women is that they are weak and vulnerable and are not capable of handling tough situations as people think they react more easily than their male counterparts. It’s not just men who believe in this whole women being weak concept but most women sell themselves short when it comes to talking about their strength in the face of a disaster. Similarly, when talking about preppers or survival, women are kept out of the subject, probably because of the same belief. However, this shouldn’t be a norm that prepping or survival is only about men and women have nothing to do with it. Yes, women are vulnerable but they still are quite capable of providing for themselves and their loved ones in tough times. Women, in fact, are born preppers and survivalists as compared to men. If women could learn some particular set of skills then they can increase their chances of survival in a SHTF situation.

These survival skills should be at the fingertips of every woman (single or with a family and spouse).

  1. Be Observant:

If you’re new to prepping or survival then it’s best to start learning through observation. Even in an SHTF situation where you’re left with a group of people desperate to survive, you should learn to observe what the others are doing and without disclosing your own plans.

  1. Extra Cautious with a will to fight:

10-24-15 ngc-11796_861Even in normal circumstances you should be extremely vigilant about your own security. Although, this comes naturally when you’re a women but being a prepper makes you a bit more cautious about your surroundings. Unfortunately, for women, a SHTF situation does not necessarily have to be some sort of a catastrophic event like a natural disaster or a home invasion but sometimes an encounter with a drug addict, a rapist or even an extreme cat callers may require you to fight or use your survival skills.

Quicktip: For a pet, a dog is always better than a cat.

  1. Be Self-sufficient:

10-24-15 doomsday-prepper-woman-shootingWhile you may get to learn a lot about prepping through the internet or from social media communities but improvising your self-defense is what you need to learn practically. Sign up for martial arts or boxing classes in order to get better at protecting yourself. Learn to efficiently use a weapon or tool to be more equipped at self-defense.

10-24-15 Woman-Survivalist-2-661x441In a survival condition, you will need skills like gathering wood, hunting, or setting a makeshift
shelter; don’t even consider the possibility of your male prepper friend, doing this part. You should be comfortable of doing everything on your own because, you never know you might be the only one living. Most women are not very good at using tools or repairing things. Even in normal conditions, the fairer sex is not expected to know how to fix a broken tire.

Learn to use various types of survival gear and make sure you keep on updating your survival kit with all that is new.

  1. Talk like a pro:

Even if you’re fairly new to prepping, or don’t know a lot about something, don’t let others know about that. Talk with authority and don’t give others an impression that you’re not the weakest link, even if you live alone try sharing this information with a minimum number of people. In a teotwawki event, if you’ll make it too obvious that you are alone then you are inviting people to cause you harm.

  1. Make your home secure or hunker down:

10-24-15 bug-out-bags-for-women-1-360x193Even if you have the strongest locks, you should know how to seal your windows or fortify your home if your place gets attacked by intruders. Also, if there is a plague like situation, you should be prepared to hunker down. Have your supplies ready and in place so as to make the place as stay worthy as possible.

It’s important to survive, no matter what. Even if you are a women start prepping now and be your own savior. Size or appearance doesn’t matter as long as you are strong and prepared enough to stand hardships and defend yourself, if need be.


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