Survival Expos, and the prepping industry

Survival Expos, and the prepping industry

May 19, 2014 Preppers We Grow Ours 0

Survival Expos, and the prepping industry
Host: Nick and Don “We Grow Ours”

ExposThis week we have a great local guest on the show! Lance Baker runs the survival expos here in Arizona a few times a year, he has seen the industry grow and is responsible for some of that growth! We wanted to have Lance on to learn about “why” he decided to put the energy into doing these great expos as well as what he thinks the future is for the “prepping” industry. Lance used to run auto shows, so he knew what he was getting into. He started out small and has grown the shows into large well attended events. Nick has known Lance since the first expo, and has been a big part of helping Nick grow Hostile Hare. These expose have also helped him gain the national coverage that he has (and will soon see). Nick will also be attending the Expo in Prescott Valley.. Don will be along handing some “WeGrowOurs” cards out and helping Nick out a bit with the rabbits. If you are in the area please come in and say Hi and let us know how the podcast has helped you! If you have feedback we would love to
hear it as well!!

We Grow Ours studio1 (1)Lance believes in Education as much as we do, and that is a big part of why we had him on the show. Any expo can have vendors and things to buy, but without education, and helping people realize that more products are out there, as well as a community that supports them not much will change. Vendors in the permaculture industry may not have the reach to the “survivalist” community without shows like these and the ability to educate. Dons Aquaponics business is a great example of how two different political groups can unite over one common goal such as food, as is Nicks meat rabbit business. Again if you are in Arizona, please come check out the expo.. If you have a local expo, please ask them to include the education.. if you don’t have an expo in your area, consider starting one.. even a small one!
Check out Lance and his expo here:

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