Summer Of Survival!

Summer Of Survival!

May 30, 2014 Community Involvment Groups Interview Prepper Mentality Preppers The Prepared Canadian 1

Summer Of Survival!
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian”

SummerHow would you like to get over 36 hours of access to some of the most informed and dedicated preparedness experts available. Of course you would love that, but there is absolutely no way you could afford to travel to all the different prepper expos and seminars that these people present at. Well, let me tell you, there is a way you can get great information from 2 dozen different presentations over the course of 12 weeks from the comfort of your own home. It’s called the Summer Of Survival and it starts on June 3rd. Unlike some of the online events we’ve seen in the past, the seminars will be presented at a rate of two per week, giving you time to really absorb the subject matter without feeling like you’re trying to take a sip of water from a fire hose! Let me tell you, these are not just run of the mill armchair preppers either. You can get access to leaders in the preparedness community who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Some of the presenters include Survivor Jane, Dr.Bones & Nurse Amy, John Jacob Schmidt, Marjorie Wildcraft, James Talmage Stevens (AKA Dr.Prepper), SouthernPrepper1, and many more.

SummerSummerSummerep68_6ep68_5This week I have the priveledge of interviewing Cindy Thompson from the Summer Of Survival. Cindy will tell us all about this event and give us an overview of how it will all work, including your chance to not just listen to a presentation, but actually ask questions and get them answered by those you have come to trust for information and support. As an extra bonus, Cindy will have one of the presenters come along with her on the show. Not only am I pumped about the way this is going to be done, but I have to say that this is by far the best interview I have ever done. Cindy and her surprise guest don’t hold back and tell it like it is.
Visit the Prepared Canadian blog: Here!

Listen to this broadcast on Summer of Survival in player below! 

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One Response

  1. […] In case you missed it, don’t forget to check out my podcast interview with Cindy Thompson and the Summer Of Survival lead presenter, Survival Jane also available over at Prepper Broadcasting. […]

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