Steve Konkoly: The Perseid Collapse Series

Steve Konkoly: The Perseid Collapse Series

January 29, 2016 Books Interview Preppers Prepping for Tomorrow 0

Steve Konkoly: Best Selling Author of The Perseid Collapse Series
Host Bobby Akart “The Prepping for Tomorrow Show

Steve KonkolyOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, bestselling author and close friend Steve Konkoly will be our special guest.

I cannot say enough about the success Steve has achieved in his life. All of our listeners know him as a hugely successful author. But his career and family life goes way beyond his writing. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy with a degree in English Literature. But that doesn’t mean he’s a softie.

1-28-16 perseid-collapse-coverHe spent the next eight years on active duty serving our great country in various U. S. Navy and Marine Corps units. From enforcing United Nations sanctions against Iraq as a maritime boarding officer in the Arabian Gulf, to directing aircraft bombing runs and naval gunfire strikes as a Forward Air Controller (FAC) assigned to a specialized Marine Corps unit, Steve’s experience with a wide range of regular and elite military units brings a unique authenticity to his thriller fiction.

1-28-16 the-jakarta-pandemicSteve lives with his family in central Indiana, where he still wakes up at “zero dark thirty” to write for most of the day. His first novel, The Jakarta Pandemic, is the definitive pandemic novel. With nearly nine hundred reviews, and tens of thousands of copies sold, it set the stage for Steve’s brilliant writing career which includes the four book Black Flagged Series, the hugely successful Perseid Collapse Series, and countless novellas as part of Kindle Worlds.

On a personal note, Steve was instrumental in convincing me to write. I still have the Facebook Messenger conversation from December 20, 2014. Steve asked, “On a separate note, have you ever written fiction, or wanted to? I ask because ….”.

My answer was simple, “Dude, I used to be a lawyer, my whole world is fictional! I. AM. NOT. AFRAID. LOL!”

51+d9+9ABrL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_With his encouragement, and guidance, I wrote Evil, Meet Opportunity, a prequel novella to The Perseid Collapse Kindle World. Within weeks after its release Evil, Meet Opportunity achieved #1 Best Seller status in the Action, Adventure category. At that point, I knew that writing was something I should pursue, so I joined the circus. Steve and I put our heads together, and The Boston Brahmin series was born. The rest, as they say, is history.

On this episode we discuss his upcoming work, Fractured State, which is slated for a May release. This will be Steve’s best work to date and has the potential to be another #1 Best Seller on Steve’s impressive book shelf. Join in the conversation as I welcome Steve Konkoly to the Prepping for Tomorrow program!
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