Stagnant? 5 ways to ramp up your preparedness

Stagnant? 5 ways to ramp up your preparedness

May 29, 2015 I Am Liberty Preparedness Preppers 0

Preparedness 5 ways to ramp it up!
James Walton “I Am Liberty”

preparednessThere is something in the wind. It’s also in bodies of text across the internet and out the mouths of the media. Puzzle pieces that aren’t quite put together just yet but are close. To me it’s more evident than ever before that life in America is changing very radically. It’s not going to change it IS changing before our eyes. Our powerful leaders are stirring things up like I have never seen. These last months of our president’s reign will be the most radical.

StagnantThat being said I have preparedness tugging at my soul. There are basics that must be handled early on in preparedness. You usually look at food, water, shelter, protection, first aid and information. For many of us a base of preparedness is laid and we begin to feel a little better about our situation. We get comfortable again in our better living situation. Better but is it enough? Are you a little stagnant? Tonight I want to talk about 5 ways to ramp up your preparedness if you have hit a wall or feel the same things I do lately.

Stagnant victoryI could touch on the highlights of riots, floods, illegals, Muslims, politicians and the other numerous threats that surround us. These radical movements that seem to be cropping up all over the country. Many people are touting the fact that we are in the eye of a revolution in this country and it’s not the one that ends in greater freedom or liberty. So the time comes that brilliant minds recognize the reality and prepare for it. In our world we have only the ability to react. It’s important that we take this grace period to look at our situation, each of our individual situations, and plan. 5 way to ramp up your preparedness 5/29 on I AM Liberty!
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