Wilderness self-reliance skills

Wilderness self-reliance skills

December 16, 2015 7 P’s of Survival Bushcraft Skills Trapping 0

Wilderness self-reliance skills!
Live from the woods/trap line
Josh “The 7P’s of Survival

Wilderness This week I will be coming to you live from the woods/trap line (I hope technology doesn’t fail me) and we will be talking about outdoor skills training. There are hundreds of places across the country that teach in-person self reliance skills courses and without having been to a majority of then. I’m going to limit myself to a few free coorespondence type courses online that are great places to get your feet wet when learning wilderness self-reliance skills. I will devote the majority of my time talking about the Bushcraft USA Bush Class Beginner, intermediate and Advanced courses.

12-15-15 20150504_143809Over the last year or so I have utilized these courses to hone, develop and practice my wilderness self-reliance skills for free on my own time and at my own pace. While others may need to jump into the deep end and take a class to start (there are plenty of great courses and instructors out there) this method is not only much cheaper for many but also more practical as they can easily into developing skills. Granted spending countless nights in the woods is not for everyone so this course format also allows you to find out if this lifestyle is for you before investing hundreds of dollars in gear that you would need at the onset of a traditional course. To complete these courses you need little more than the materials you can find around your home with the lone exception being a good knife (an old hickory butcher knife will get you through the class).

12-15-15 20150712_220914_resized_1I will walk through the Basic Bush Class Requiements (See my article on the class here, Intermediate Bush Class Requiements  (See my article on the class here,  the advanced bush class and all of the electives you must complete for certification. I will then cover the positive and negative aspects of this type of course and answer any questions you might have concerning the courses.

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