Survival Skills and Hands on Training!

Survival Skills and Hands on Training!

June 12, 2015 I Am Liberty Skills Survival 0

Survival Skills and Hands on Training!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Survival Skills AnkleWrap800x600From bush craft to natural medicines and even good old fashioned self defense. Tonight on I Am Liberty we have Sam Coffman. The man behind, in my opinion, the most comprehensive survival school in the country.

There is no substitute for on the job training, hands on experience. I can tell you that it would be quite a task to find a better teacher than Sam Coffman. We will talk about why and how he came to be so skilled at what he does.
Also we will touch on the curriculum of his school.

We have a real expert on tonight who knows Survival Skills and I would like for my audience to take advantage of that.

6-12-2015 downloadSam Coffman talks about Survival Skills and philosophy behind disaster preparedness and prepping for SHTF situations. He brings to light his many experiences as a former Green Beret as well as his observations after more than two decades of teaching people how to survive not only through skills, but through putting them into stressful situations that are both scenarios at his survival school as well as real-life situations in remote areas of the world.

He interviews other experts and discusses by himself, a myriad of topics and skills to include tactics, primitive skills, urban survival and prepping, blacksmithing and knifemaking, guns and self-defense, plant medicine (herbalism), wilderness medicine and first aid, tracking and naturalist studies, sustainable agriculture, aquaponics, alternate power, communications and amateur radio and much more.
Get the book HERE!

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