Minimalist Prepping!

Minimalist Prepping!

September 25, 2016 Bushcraft Do It Yourself Galt Strike Preparedness Skills Survival 0

Minimalist Prepping!
Tom Martin “Galt$trike” This show in player below!

Minimalist PreppingOn the following episode of Galt Strike I have Bob Hawkins again to discuss minimalist prepping. Do we really need so much stuff? How about prepping with much less? I always get asked what is the best thing to invest in prepping. My answer is always skills.

9-24-16-snare-trap-woodsYou will get far more for your investment in your skills than anything else. Sure, some things essential to human survival should be stocked in case of disaster; like food, water, and a few other things. But you don’t need to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on prepping. Get your basics covered, and then focus the rest of your efforts on acquiring new skills.

9-24-16-96df6681a857f21fc52c28b7bd630591That’s what we are going to discuss in player below. For the second half of the hour we’ll also have open lines so you can talk about whatever you want. Maybe you want to chime in on the recent shootings, the elections or whatever.

Feel free to call in and give your opinions. We will have Bob Hawkins on again, and then at the second half of the show we’ll have open lines and you can call in and talk about whatever you want.
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