Having the skills to survive, and performing under pressure!

Having the skills to survive, and performing under pressure!

August 22, 2013 Skills The Human Path Training 0

PlantWalk_croppedSam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments. In his first podcast on Prepper Broadcasting Network, Sam introduces himself and the concepts that make his school and his non-profit organization (Herbal Medics) one of the most diverse and unique survival schools in the world. These concepts can translate directly into skills and know how for any prepper. Sam PodcastPhoto8talks about how to learn skills and most importantly practice those skills to become better. He talks about the state of herbal and integrative medicine in the USA and how important it is not to just learn about plant medicine as a prepper, but to be able to practice those skills – and how to create opportunity for practice while also helping out other people. He addresses the importance of functioning and using skills under duress and most importantly as part of a team or a community. Finally, Sam discusses the notion of “charity” and how to create situations where you are not only helping other people, but are also practicing your own skills at the same time.
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Sam’s survival school is called The Human Path and can be found online here:


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