The 5 Star Garden Bounty

The 5 Star Garden Bounty

July 10, 2015 Gardening I Am Liberty Recipes 0

The 5 Star Garden Bounty
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Garden Bounty skin-food-vegetables-537x402We have reached that point in the summer when most of our gardens are pumping out the good stuff. Tomatoes are ripe, cucumbers are crisp and the climbing green beans being plucked.There are great dishes that make me salivate when I think about this garden bounty. Classic dishes. Tonight I want to talk about some other creations. Some recipes of my own for this harvest and the next. I am going to be reading from my coming ebook Seasons in the Valley. The book will be out just before the holidays so you can enjoy these great recipes and writings about the great bounty of all 4 seasons.

Sure we could talk about the horrors of the real world and some one them we probably will. The slight of hand with Greece’s struggles when the real story is China’s plunging stock market. There are a ton of stories out there. The most important story, however, is your story. Yes. Your story. How do you want that story to read, to end. Prepare today because like never before we are creeping closer to the cliff. Trust me. I have a great sense for change and culture.

Garden Bounty garden-salad-with-dijon-vinaigrette-lgOf course you can worry yourself bald worrying about it all. I don’t recommend it. I recommend you getting about waist deep in a cool stream with a fishing pole in your hand. Make a plan and execute it for your families safety and security if things get bad. Outside of that you have to live well. You have to make life look good. Its important. Which is why we are going to talk about delicious food that you are pulling out of your garden right now. I will give you great recipes from my upcoming book and we will talk about other favorites that can be prepared as well.

I will do my best not to fall too deep into the pit of reality and the horrors that exist in the world today. Instead lets talk about living well and being prepared for what is coming. Its I AM Liberty and I hope you come to expect nothing less.
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