Plants with Benefits

Plants with Benefits

April 30, 2014 Gardening Plants Preppers Skills 0

Plants With Benefits
Host: Mike Podlesny “Mike The Gardener”
Plant book downloadIn this week’s episode, Mike chats with Helen Yoest, the author of the book, Plants With Benefits: An Uninhibited Guide to the Aphrodisiac Herbs, Fruits, Flowers & Veggies in Your Garden.

Helen Yoest is an award winning freelance garden writer, scout and stylist for some of the nation’s leading shelter magazines.Her work regularly appears in Country Gardens, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Southern Living, Carolina Gardener, and many others.

In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover:

Plants Mike the Gardener aboutGardening with Confidence
Wildlife gardening
Plants with Benefits
Plants as an aphrodisiac
Powerful plant combinations
Historical plant data
Plant a row for the hungry
Garden writers association

Helen Yoest is a curious gardener – curious about plants, soil, design, and how others use these to create their gardens at home. She is also curious about what plants do for us today in the here and now, but also about their history and lore. Plants have a colorful past.

Featured in The New York Times: Sometimes Asparagus Is More Than Asparagus. Full story in the print version, January 30, 2014.

Helen Yoest at her Raleigh, N.C., home. Jeremy M. Lange for The New York Times

As an award winning freelance writer and garden stylist, Helen has traveled the world visiting public and private gardens so she can step into the dream that was once just an imagination. Her work has appeared in Country Gardens, Better Homes and Gardens, Southern Living, Martha Stewart Living, Carolina Gardener, and many others, including her work as the national gardening expert for Helen is also the author of Plants With Benefits: An Uninhibited Guide to the Aphrodisiac Herbs, Fruits, Flowers, & Veggies in Your Garden (2014, St. Lynn’s Press) and Gardening with Confidence, 50 Ways to Add Style for Personal Creativity (2012, GWC Press).

Helen curates garden art, serves on the board of the JC Raulston Arboretum, is past Regional Representative of the Garden Conservancy Open Days tour and opens her garden annually, and is an honorary member of Pi Alpha Xi, the national honor society for floriculture, landscape horticulture and ornamental horticulture. Helen lives in Raleigh, N.C., tending to her half-acre wildlife habitat, her husband, and their three beautiful children.
Visit Mike the Gardener website HERE!

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