Indoor gardening!

Indoor gardening!

January 24, 2016 Gardening Makers on Acres Urban Gardens 0

Indoor gardening!
Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres

Indoor gardeningOn this episode of the Makers On Acres Tech, Build and Grow show we are talking indoor grow lights and indoor gardening!

Many of us may not be able to build a greenhouse right away, so what is our other option for year around gardening? Growing indoors! Growing and gardening indoors is fun and pretty simple once you get the right pieces in place. I have grown indoors for many years and almost enjoy it more than growing outdoors because I can interact with my plants on a consistent basis without exiting the home.

1-23-16 download (5)Growing and gardening indoors is not without its challenges, but it can be a fun experience. Many of the products on the market now make indoor gardening so much easier and more affordable than with previous technologies. One main concern with indoor gardening is light! With the advances over the last few years in the field of LED’s, lighting is not only affordable but effective. We will talk extensively on lighting and how to approach your buying decisions as well.

1-23-16 download (6)Fresh produce can be grown in a spare room, basement or kitchen. How much you harvest will all depend on how far you want to take your system and how much space you are willing to dedicate to it. If you are ready for some fresh greens, and more, year around without having to build a greenhouse, then you need to listen to this show!
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