Why You Should Plant Fruit This Year!

Why You Should Plant Fruit This Year!

April 19, 2017 Food Fruit Gardening Homesteading Homesteady Live 0

Why You Should Plant Fruit This Year On the Homestead
Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below!

Why You Should Plant Fruit This YearGoing on 6 years of homesteading, I have learned some big lessons. Don’t get goats. Infrastructure is king. Don’t buy livestock on craigslist. But of all the lessons learned, one of the biggest regrets I have… Spending so much time on annual based gardens, and not focusing on planting fruit trees, bushes, and other perennials.

Think about it. Every year you spend time in the garden, you have to do the same tasks over and over. Till the soil. Start the seeds. Thin the plants, harden the transplants, plant, cover, seed, water, weed, water, weed… And when it is finally harvesting time… you get to start the whole process over again.

Don’t get me wrong. Annual gardens have their place. But the first few years on my homestead I wish I had spent WAY less time planting annuals, and focused all that time and energy on putting fruit trees, bushes, and other perennial plants in.

A full sized apple tree can take a few years to yield fruit. But every year that goes buy the trees yield more and more, and the work involved is less and less. Perennial plants require the same amount of work to plant, but each year need less and less care. You will still need to care for them, prune, keep an eye on pests, but as the roots go deeper and deeper into your soil, the plants get stronger, and the yields better. And a full sized apple tree can live for decades, giving delicious fruit to you, your family, and even to your animals.

In this episode of Homesteady we will interview Dave Hunt from Northeast Edible, a nursery specializing in homestead fruit trees. Dave will tell us the story of how he wound up as a tree and bush farmer, and tell us why we should bring fruit trees and other perennials to our homesteads. He will also give us some advice on how to have fruit harvest from our farm for 6 months out of the year!

Dave will help us figure out how to setup our own homestead orchards, and let us know what to expect in yields. And help us realize we why we should focus on perennials first, and not all those veggies!
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