Canadian Overview on Prepping!

Canadian Overview on Prepping!

July 19, 2014 Canning Gardening Preppers The Prepared Canadian 0

Canadian Overview on Prepping!
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian”

Canadian gardening-vegetablesEvery show begins with a little segment about what I (and others) have done in the past week and to that I can actually fill a whole podcast with my projects and purchases.

I’ll give an overview of some of the gardening chores that had to be done, either because of mother nature wanting to reclaim the cleared garden space, or dealing with failed crops and replanting. Some things couldn’t be saved while others simply needed a helping hand. Either way, most of the plant rescues are a wait and see project as I have no idea if I caught the problems in time to save the harvest.

ep67_4Speaking of harvest, the crops that are about to produce will have to be dealt with and stored. This means making sure that I have enough supplies on hand to match last year, but also taking a few changes to mind, such as changing jar sizes for certain produce, preparing to replace the lids I am about to use, and getting the canner out, cleaned, tested, and getting some replacement parts from Home Hardware.

Canadian Jerimiah's Out-Post150x150Also, I spent some time and money over at Ebay, buying some rechargeable batteries for my handheld comms, as well as some USB powered chargers. I will discuss how many I bought and why, as well as some other alternative power options for my ham radio. Don’t worry, even though I have included the link to the Ebay store that I used, I will review both the seller and the products I bought once they arrive…I always try to talk about things that I have first hand experience about, or have gotten advice from other preppers with first hand knowledge.

Also, I have some listener feedback to share with you regarding the alternative cooking episode from a few weeks ago that will clear up some questions about some gear that I had not used, but did mention.
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