

January 16, 2016 Aquaponics Food Gardening Makers on Acres 0

Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres

AquaponicsOk, so Aquaponics is becoming a buzz word, and rightfully so. Aquaponics is one of the greatest ways to grow food on a homestead or even in an apartment! Aquaponics is a very versatile system that can be scaled to fit any person’s needs.

1-16-16 download (3)So what is it exactly? Well if you tune in to the show, we will discuss what aquaponics is, and we will also discuss what many don’t know, and what it is NOT. Many in the circle around this system think it is a solution to all the worlds hunger problems, and in some ways it is, but also in some ways it is not.

1-16-16 download (2)How can we start with an aquaponic system for ourselves and how much is it going to cost me?

Well we can build a system for $40 or $40,000! The key is you need to know what you are going to get in return, and also what you are NOT going to get in return. Aquaponic systems can cost quite a bit to get started, but if done right the first time it will be worth it.

Make sure you tune in to hear an un-biased view and see if it is right for you and your situation.
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