Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production!
Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production!
Hosts: Don, Nick, Bobby, & Sam
We have Monday and Tuesday covered with three great shows you won’t want to miss.
Monday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct. 6pm/Pt. “We Grow Ours” starts us off with Don and Nick on “Agriscaping”! Agriscaping? That is not a word.. Oh, but it is, and it is amazing! Do you like Prepping? How about permaculture? Do you like a good looking yard that your neighbors and your HOA will LOVE? Maybe you want to make some cash?
$$$$? You need to listen to this week’s podcast show on Agriscaping with Justin Rohner of He will talk about turning you yard into a feast, and how to make money to the tune of $10 per SQFT!!
Listen to this show HERE!
What you can learn does not stop there. On “Best Of” Tuesday 7pm/Est 6pm/Ct. 4pm/Pt. we have Bobby the gardener with homesteader Misty Prepper as his guest. If you have ever thought about what it takes to be a homesteader your going to want to listen in.
Homesteading is not for everyone. A lot of knowledge and skill are required to be self-sustaining as a homesteader. Listen in to this broadcast as Misty shares with us what backwoods living is all about. From gardening and canning to raising and butchering her own meat Misty has done it all. Long hours and hard work is what it’s all about. Listen in as Misty shares what true homesteading is all about.
Listen to this show HERE!
Tuesday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct. 6pm/Pt. brings us Marjory Wildcraft of Backyard Food Production. Sam Coffman “The Human Path” and Marjory have a frank discussion on the realities of how much actual land is necessary to sustain a family and how much work is involved. What are the first steps that a person or family should take to be able to start living off of their own land and what they are growing? What are some of the most common, major pitfalls that a lot of people run up against and that cause them to give up? What is one of the most important mental or “internal” aspects you have to gain in order to be successful at growing your own food? What is the difference between living off the land and caretaking the land and how can that become a game-changer in your own preparedness and gardening? What are perennial polylculture food systems and why are they possibly the most efficient food system you can grow?
Listen to this show HERE!
You can also listen to archived shows of all our hosts . Go to show schedule tab at top of page!
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Agriscaping Food food production Gardening homesteader Homesteading Marjory Wildcraft Misty Prepper Permaculture