Agriculture, keeping up!

Agriculture, keeping up!

March 20, 2016 Disaster Food Gardening Makers on Acres 0

Agriculture, keeping up!
Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres

Agriculture, keeping upOn this episode of Makers on Acres Tech. Build and Grow show we are discussing modern agriculture and how our modern way of producing food will not be able to keep up with the population booms and how it will affect its own ability to produce.

3-19-16 Irrigation1The modern agricultural system is where it is because of need (demand). In order for our large population to be fed, people had to start innovating to find ways to produce more food, cheaper and more efficiently. The modern agricultural system is though, a threat to itself, us and our futures. Many farmers rely on GMO crops for large enough harvests to pay the bills and keep the farm going. Most modern agriculture relies on chemical fertilizers to feed the depleted soils, to then feed the plants.

3-19-16 abstract-21769_960_720Acres upon acres of farm land are dry, dusty, organic matter deprived waste lands that have no nutritional value to the plant they play home to. Farmers rely on Agro scientists and chemists to find ways to keep the crops fed and growing so that they can feed their families, but what they don’t realize is that they are slowly sending their farms into the grave.

Although the modern system can sustain the population, the expected population booms in the future and the ever changing land health is a threat to food supply and incomes of thousands of families and communities.

So what is the solution?

Listen in to hear my discussion on how I believe that the current food system will crash and no longer be able to sustain the future additional billions of residents on this earth. We all mostly depend on the food that appears on grocery store shelves. What will happen when the day comes that it’s not there on a regular basis?
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