Fishing for Pike and Walleye

Fishing for Pike and Walleye

September 14, 2016 7 P’s of Survival Fishing Sustainability 0

Fishing for Pike and Walleye
Josh “7 P’s of Survival

Fishing for Pike and WalleyeOn this episode of the 7 P’s Of Survival radio show we are doing an after action report. Learn all about my two week fishing trip to Lac Sairs, Quebec and it’s tributaries. Over the past two weeks I have been fishing for pike and walleye with five other gentlemen from Morgantown, WV. I hope to have all of the pictures and videos from the trip up soon, but if not keep checking back over the next few days.

9-13-16-20140413_021603So let me first say this was a fishing/camping trip and not a bush-craft/backpacking or minimalist trip by any means so don’t expect a ton of items in that realm. What you will hear a lot about is some good times fishing, camping, camp cooking, great scenery, a little woodcraft, some fire starting, hammock camping and much more!

The six of us drove, hiked, rowed and portage a total 16 hours north into the boreal forest of Canada and finally setup our main camp location near a large set of falls on the river called Turner Falls. Traditionally, in this location we see a decent amount of wildlife including black bear, moose, bald eagles and much more. Luckily we haven’t ran into any wolves in this location.

9-13-16-20140525_201301I discuss my packing list, food options for the trip. Also some of the projects I undertook while in the woods, what rigging seemed to work to best for both pike and walleye. We also discuss a few of the unique sites I ran across incurring abandoned mines, saw mills and much more.
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