Practical Preppers Founder on Common Sense Prepping

Practical Preppers Founder on Common Sense Prepping

December 26, 2013 Entertainment Interview Media News Preppers Tara & Common Sense Prepping Television 0

Practical Preppers Founder on Common Sense Prepping
Host: Tara "Common Sense Prepping"

PracticalCommon Sense Prepping is proud to announce that Practical Preppers founder Scott Hunt will be this week’s featured guest. Although Hunt may be most well-known for helping develop the prepper’s scoring system for National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers series, the homesteading expert’s self-reliance expertise and services goes far beyond the small screen.


The hit prepping series will utilize an enhanced and more in-depth scoring system during the coming season, according to Hunt. The prepping expert noted his enjoyment at interacting with featured more in the upcoming season. Hunt recently launched the Practical Preppers app to share his skills and advice with the masses and is nearing completion on his first book, which will serve as a detailed sustainable living manual.

PracticalAlthough Preppers LLC has garnered notoriety for the connection to the Doomsday Preppers series, the company remains very much focused on helping regular Americans with disaster preparedness. During retreat consultations, the folks from Practical Preppers have clients complete a survey to determine not only what type of scenario they are preparing for, but to gather information about the location itself. Typical Practical Preppers LLC retreat survey topics include questions about water, security, and energy systems, grid down cooking, bartering, medical, and communications plans.

When Common Sense Prepping asked Scott Hunt what prompted a man with a Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering to leave a position as a product development engineer at Michelin Tire and focus on a career as a preparedness expert, he had this to say:

“You never know where life will lead you! I so appreciate the opportunity I had to go to the school of my dreams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, to get an awesome education followed by a really cool job at Michelin Tire. My education and hands on upbringing combine perfectly in the Preparedness world. Taking a systems approach to preparedness as opposed to buying stuff from off of a list will get you your desired outcome: Well prepared and confident! As an Engineer working for a large corporation you become highly specialized in an area but you rarely get to design the big picture.

My career now allows me to work on the coolest of projects ranging from biomass gasification to Solar battery backups, from Solar PV direct water systems delivery life sustaining water from great depths and distances, to extensive food plans, medical solutions, security solutions etc. It is an Engineers dream to be able to work on so many different aspects of what it takes to live sustainably in our world today.”

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