How to Make a Snake Trap Even with Household Items?

How to Make a Snake Trap Even with Household Items?

April 10, 2017 Articles Do It Yourself Survival Tips 0

How to Make a Snake Trap Even with Household Items?

We may not come across snakes every day, but that doesn’t make them any less important. Snakes are nothing like other animals, right? The kind of fear we have for them is completely different, mainly due to their venomous species. So it doesn’t matter if you’re an outdoor enthusiast or not; knowing how to make a snake trap can come in handy in the most unpredictable situations.

Snakes are not hot-blooded creatures. Their cold blood is what’s responsible for bringing about temperature changes in their body. And this is the reason why snakes are not found in urban areas.

Now let’s talk about the different snake traps and how to make them.

 The Glue Trap

One of the most efficient ways of trapping a snake is by using a glue trap. You can easily find them in garden or home supply stores. But if you would like to make one yourself, then they’re easy enough to assemble.

What you will need:

A large tray

Strong, high-quality glue

Snake bait such as big insects

The method:

  • Spread a thick layer of glue on the tray and fill it up with snake bait. Then leave the tray out in your yard. That’s about it.

It’s important to place the trap where you usually spot snakes. With the bait attached to the trap, the snake will soon get lured into crawling on top of the glue and getting trapped.

Before you transfer the creature to another place, you need to make sure that it is glued to the tray completely. To set it loose in a safer environment, all you have to do is pour some oil over the trap and the snake. Make sure that you don’t touch or harm the creature during this process.

When dealing with snake traps and snakes, the most important thing to remember is to wear snake proof boots. This helps in protecting your feet and legs in case something goes wrong.

  1. The Bottle Trap

This is nothing but a trap constructed with a regular plastic bottle. It is considered to be the most basic homemade snake trap, which means it’s easy to make.

What you will need:

Plastic bottle, preferably 1.5L (washed and dried)


Snake bait such as mice

The method:

  • The bottle should be washed thoroughly to get rid of the smell of the product contained in it.
  • Cut a hole with the help of the scissors. This hole must be small but sufficient for the snake to enter.
  • Put the snake bait inside that plastic bottle.
  • Set this trap in the hiding place of the snake. And wait for the creature to get into the bottle and grab the bait.

Since snakes don’t chew but swallow their food, they tend to get bigger and rounder after consuming the mice. This makes it difficult for them to get out of the bottle trap. And during this process, you can change the location of the trap.

[YouTube video:]

  1. The Minnow Trap

This type of a trap is also known as funnel door wire cage snake trap. It is the same as the plastic bottle snake traps mentioned above. The only difference is that minnow traps are more suitable for catching larger snakes.

What you will need:


Wire cutters

Snake bait such as eggs or mice

The method:

  • Construct two similar cylinder cones with the help of the cable. Keep the diameter not more than 15-20cm. If the snake you want to capture is a big one, then you can opt for a larger diameter.
  • Use the same wire to create a single funnel from the cylinder cones.
  • The hole that you make should not be too large. The goal is to allow the hungry snake to pass through it but small enough to keep the creature from getting out after swallowing the bait.
  • Now it’s time to place the mice or eggs inside the trap.
  • Then you can seal both the cylinders with wires. And that’s how you make a minnow trap!

To release the snake, open the wires that are holding the two cylinders together. So you need to ensure that, during construction, you don’t permanently seal any wires. They should be easy and quick enough to open to get rid of the snake in a safer environment. And please make sure that you have your hunting boots or snake proof boots on when releasing the animal.

[YouTube video:]

  1. The Wooden Box Trap

The thing about this kind of a snake trap is that it’s difficult and extremely complicated to build on your own. So our advice to you would be to buy a readymade one from any local home supply store.

Wooden box traps are more suitable to catch wild snakes in the house. Since they are large, the chances of trapping the creature get highlighted. All you need to do is place the wooden box in the hiding place of the snake.

When the snake is trying to leave that spot, it will inevitably travel into the box. And once it enters, the cover of the trap closes on its own. This is how the snake gets stuck inside. Then you can transfer the wooden box from your house to someplace else. And releasing the snake from such a trap is an easy task, isn’t it?

Wrapping it up

It’s not so difficult to learn how to make a snake trap now, is it? Just remember that these things are built only to relocate the creature to another place.

It’s important that you know that our fear of snakes does not justify killing them for no reason at all. Snakes are a part of the environment, and we need to refrain from harming them. Snakes may be cold-blooded, but they’re as afraid of us as we are of them.

Invest your time and effort in building snake traps only if you need them. So which one have you decided to make and what kind of a snake are you trying to capture?

Please feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments section below.

About the author:

Tony Lohman has been writing about hiking, hunting, fishing, and all kinds of outdoor activities for several years now. And all this knowledge stems from his personal experiences and passion for adventures. So he understands how important it is to find the right kind of gear and equipment. Sharing this information along with useful tips is something that he loves to do, so others too can make the most of their wild adventures.



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