Being Frugal in Preparedness!

Being Frugal in Preparedness!

July 23, 2018 Do It Yourself Skills 1

Being Frugal in Preparedness!
Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below!

Being Frugal in PreparednessFrugality was a stigma as I grew up. It was something akin to stingy, miserly, unwilling to share. The connotation of being frugal is something over the last few decades has gone so far from its origins that has become something that is scary to our culture to consider as something to strive for.

This week we will explore the true meaning of what it is to be frugal, what it means to the preparedness community, and what it can be to the next generation. Some of the things you can do as parents will easily be absorbed by the kids at your side so make this trait something they can be proud of.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Being Frugal in Preparedness” in player below!

Kids are naturally frugal, you just have to engage them in a way they can understand why this particular trait is so important to their future. Join us as we share some of the ways you can engage and instill this behavior in your own kids.

And, in the spirit of being frugal, be sure to join us for the Pint-Sized Prepper Project of the Week where we build a flip-top cooler air conditioner – a project inspired by Micheal Kline on the Friday night show Reality Check!

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One Response

  1. Ryan Buford says:

    Links presented during the show are listed here – Thanks for Listening!

    Pint Sized Prepper Project of the Week

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