Bushcraft 101

Bushcraft 101

February 15, 2017 Bushcraft Disaster Prep Guides Do It Yourself Preparedness Skills 0

Bushcraft 101
John Smith “Disaster Prep Guides” Audio in player below!

Bushcraft 101Bushcraft is a term for wilderness survival skills that was originally created in Australia and South Africa. There are some areas in Australia that are called “The Bush,” which is an area that is mostly wilderness. If you are lacking the needed survival skills, you may encounter some situations that may be “life or death.” Whether you are an experienced Bushcrafter or wanting to learn, they are several resources online (we will be adding a Bushcraft section on our site in the near future) and several in print format.

If you are the type of person that likes to do winter camping but don’t want to build your own shelter – you can get an Atuk Kanguk 9×9 Canvas tent. Have a sled to haul your supplies? You can also bring a portable wood stove and find broken trees to use for firewood. JoeRobinetBushcraft has a video (see here) on YouTube that demonstrates this.

If you would rather build your own shelter; there are several different ways to do such. You can find fallen branches, leaves, or trees and construct your own. By stripping down bark off of branches; you can use the bark to be a binder for walls, the roof, or a bed platform. By having a sharp hatchet; you can use it as a hammer and a chisel to form posts to hammer into the ground for walls or beams. If you are able to find river stones; you can use them to build a fireplace within your shelter.

Foraging is dependent on the time of year. During the Winter months, finding edible plants is going to happen zip to zilch. During the Spring and Summer months, you will be able to find berries and find “Fiddleheads” in our area that you are able to pan fry and eat. Fiddleheads are the ends of ferns that are edible, but once they get past a certain point they are not.
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