September 2015 Are You Prepared?

September 2015 Are You Prepared?

August 14, 2015 I Am Liberty Preparedness Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

September 2015 Are You Prepared?
James Walton “I Am Liberty

September 2015 Are You Prepared?I was joking about the severity of September in a podcast I put out this week entitled Fear, Trump and Spiced Pumpkin. I was jesting about how everyone knows when a collapse is coming until the day it really comes. There are religious correlations and a patter of the 7 year Shemitah. Not a topic I am going to get too wrapped up in because I can see your eyes drooping already. Here’s the thing, though the country is a powder keg and it seems like there is a movement to debilitate race relations in America. If we do see a collapse a lot of old wounds could open and things could definitely get ugly.

September 2015 Are You Prepared?That being said September is also a very important month for hunting. It’s a very important month and maybe the best month for camping. It also leads into some of the best fishing of the year as well. No time in my life or my father’s life have we had more success fishing than in the early fall. So whether you believe that the world is coming to an end, and we will discuss the possibilities a bit, in September. Still, there are very real things that you should be preparing for that aren’t necessarily tied to the apocalypse.

September 2015 Are You Prepared?What am I saying? Its very simple at the end of the day the the stock market could fall or the currency could collapse in September, or it could not. Either way we shouldn’t end our lives over it. We also shouldn’t blow our whole paychecks on pails of rice. This moment, this month is by far the best example of two things.
1) we shouldn’t let preparedness rule us.
2)we should take advantage of great activities that help us explore our survivalist, preparedness skills. See you all Friday.
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