Ron Foster “Preppers road march” now ARk Storm! on Prepping With GoatHollow.

Ron Foster “Preppers road march” now ARk Storm! on Prepping With GoatHollow.

September 19, 2012 Books Media Preppers Prepping With Goat Hollow 0

Ron Foster (The author of the “Preppers road march” books) will be my guest on Wednesday Sept. 19th at 8:00 pm.  Central time, to discuss his latest book titled ”Ark Storm”!!!  It’s the other California “Big one”, and it’s a doozie!  In my honest opinion this is Ron’s best book yet, so don’t miss this very special guest.  He’s always good for a few good prepping tips and hints.   I’m sure you’ll have an entertaining and informative time, so listen in with Doug on “Prepping With Goat Hollow” in player below!

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