Reflections in Prepping

Reflections in Prepping

August 16, 2016 Mind Set Preparedness Prepper Mentality Preppers Tech Preps 0

Reflections in Prepping
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps

Reflections in PreppingTonight’s episode has no general topic other than a reflection on my past prepping and prepping as whole in the future. I will just generalize what all I have experienced, what I have learned, and what I have planned for the future.

I have found my lifestyle from the time I was born till now is preparing for everything and anything. Even before it was called prepping, growing up on a farm showed me a unique view of the world, some may call it simple, some may call it better, others worse. But the need to be more self-sufficient is the goal for all preppers.

8-15-16 picture3Growing up on a farm we had the advantages of growing our own food, hunting, slaughtering our own animals, enjoying nature and just a down to earth life style. It is a weird turn of events that took me from a humble a lifestyle to the technology field, various fields of tech, and satellite technician. I worked in a computer store, now I work on computers for a living.

8-15-16 picture2There are two 2 unique aspects of life for me, a simple lifestyle and a technical one; I see the dangers and advantages of both. Yes both have advantages and disadvantages. I see the dangers of being too dependent on technology that if some event were to happen such as an EMP or other major black out that the world would be thrown into utter chaos. We are so reliant on those little bits of electrons being sent all over the globe.

The other edge of the sword is we have a life that is about as good as you can get, however the downside is you are generally not wise to the rest of the world affairs. I will talk about the theories I have and my experience in both of these areas. So enjoy the show!
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