Reality Check Celebrating One Year Anniversary!

Reality Check Celebrating One Year Anniversary!

August 4, 2018 Preparedness Preppers Survival Tips 2

Reality Check Celebrating One Year Anniversary
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

On this episode of Reality Check we are celebrating. Can you believe that Reality Check has been on the air for a year now? It’s true and we are celebrating with your topics. A few weeks ago I asked for input and ideas from you all for my anniversary show. I got a TON of ideas and will cover several of them on the show. This week’s show is about answering what motivated me to start the show, where do I see myself in a year, what events dos Reality Check look for to bug out, and any other questions that are posted in the chat room. I’ll talk about how the show got started, what motivated me to do it, where the name came from and the fact that we wanted to cover topics that make people think about hard subjects. So, I decided to do shows where I teach people things and spur ideas. Everyone is going to experience a Reality Check when it really does finally hit the fan. I wanted to try and give you information and ideas to think about in order to improve your chances.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Reality Check Celebrating One Year Anniversary” in this player!

Another set of questions Reality Check will tackle is how to know when the Sugar has Hit The Fan. What are the indicators? I’ll give my reasoning on why it depends on the event and if electricity is still available. If its financial collapse where EBT, social security, welfare and the dollar collapses. I would just have to watch the news and play it by ear. What I would watch for is when the 1s and 0s get wiped out. When people’s bank account balances are zeroed out or when the debt and credit cards are declined. Then watch out. Same thing with a terrorist attack, pandemic, or zombie apocalypse. I’ll just have to keep an ear to the grape vine.

Have I peaked your interest? Join Reality Check in player above for our one year anniversary and to hear the rest of the answers to your questions.

Reality Check “LIVE SHOW” Fridays 9:00/Et 8:00Ct 6:00/Pt Go To Listen and Chat
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2 Responses

  1. Davidvine1 says:

    Let’s talk about presentations and compare notes if you’d like to.

  2. Ryan Buford says:

    congrats on one year!

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