Is Prepping Really Dead?

Is Prepping Really Dead?

April 19, 2016 Mind Set Preparedness Prepper Mentality Preppers Tech Preps 0

Is Prepping Really Dead?
Highlander “survival & Tech Preps

Is Prepping Really Dead?In these days of doubt can we really say Prepping is dead? Or are we now labeled as paranoid wackos with guns in the woods? After the flop of certain tv shows that depicted preppers in a very bad light, what are we thought of now? This episode I will talk about the prepper movement, if it is dead, alive, or just in limbo.

The need is still there for prepping, our economy is somewhat better but that does not mean that any of numerous events we prep for cannot still happen. In the news the past few years we have heard some crazy stories of prepper houses raided and they found hundreds of guns, knives, and other weapons and they are promptly labeled as mentally disturbed.

4-18-16 prepper-list-of-suppliesThe goal here is to explore the possibility that the media along with possibly the government is to label the “prepper life” as mental. As far as conspiracy goes I cannot say, but the more and more I see in the news about how we are labeled the more I begin to wonder what all is going on. As far back as we can see survivalists, preppers and those living outside of the grid or the norm are seen as unstable because they do not conform to the societal norm that we all know. I hope to understand this and maybe make everyone think about this because I think it is a serious issue that needs to be brought to light.

We are a small group among many but we see things differently than others, so I urge everyone to just educate those around us and not feel sorry for them or criticize them for not prepping. We all have reasons why we prep but sometimes it takes an awakening to open someone’s eyes. Tonight’s show will hopefully be that awakening for some and make them think and know that we are just rational thinking people who see signs of a world in chaos. Thank you and enjoy the show!
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