Prepping for newbies & challenges faced by apartment Preppers!

Prepping for newbies & challenges faced by apartment Preppers!

February 16, 2013 Newbies Planning Preppers The Prepared Canadian 0

Canada muskwa-kechika-area_9146_600x450On this airing of  The Prepared Canadian we will be continuing our discussion of prepping for beginners.  As promised, we will take a particular look at overcoming some of the challenges faced by apartment preppers such as space restrictions and alternative cooking & heating options.

Also, I will be announcing a province wide meet up for Ontario that is being planned for this summer.  There will be workshops on various topics, an onsite vendor for you to pick up some supplies at discounted rates, and we have some very interesting raffle items that you will definitely want to win.

If you’re new to prepping and need to sort out all the information that you have undoubtedly found, or just want a reminder of some of the basics that you may have forgotten about, then be sure to tune in.

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