Where’s the focus?

Where’s the focus?

October 7, 2015 Mind Set Planning Preparedness Prepper Mentality Surviving Dystopia 0

Where’s the focus?
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

focus emergency-preparedness-checklist-1024x682As we go about our daily lives we get wrapped up in things that are our focus. Where that focus is will be where our efforts are expended. But what happens when that focus is shifted or fragmented? Our thoughts and actions become the same.

This week I would like to talk about that focus. I’ve been talking about the NPS expo in Louisville this coming weekend and that I will be there for my book. Anyone who may have read the book knows it had a number of things that needed to be fixed before this date. So taking a sabbatical to finish the edit and write in book #2 of the series shifted my focus.

While this was something I needed to accomplish, I am apparently not good at multi-tasking because everything else went awry. And as I sat on the plane for my return trip with a list a mile long of duties for work and other things obscuring my thoughts I realized just how out of whack things really were.

Where’s the focusI would like to talk this week about priorities and prioritizing. With everything I was supposed to be doing and doing nothing as it all went on its own vacation into crazy land I am now playing catch up. Thinking on that plane ride as I watched acres and acres pass by out the window about what if…going with the theme this week…”a hurricane” and I have been so focused elsewhere I forgot to take care of the preps for this.
An underrated and often forgotten preparedness tool…Focus.
I liked this artilce on this topic: HERE!

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