Homestead In A Rental on The Crooked Path to Preparedness!

Homestead In A Rental on The Crooked Path to Preparedness!

August 14, 2012 Budget Community Involvment Handicaps Prepper Mentality The Crooked Path to Practical Preparedness 0
There Is No Such Thing As I Can’t!  Sissy Bob, the host of  “The Crooked Path to Preparedness” has a very encouraging and inspirational guest, Helen from HomesteadInARental.
Helen and her husband, Tim,  have a very inspirational story they have agreed to share with us.  they are currently doing their best to homestead and prep with what they have and where they are.  They will amaze you with what they do with what they have.   Sissy Bob learned about HomesteadInARental when they messaged her one day to ask a question.  She checked out their channel and was amazed at what they were doing.  Later that same month Sissy bob came across a submission to one of her favorite magazines and realized it was HomesteadInARental.  She was floored by their story and encouraged at what they did when faced with adversity.  Tim and Helen can teach many of us many lessons.  Their youtube channels is
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