Prepper insurance ideas!

Prepper insurance ideas!

April 26, 2016 Mind Set Preparedness Preppers Survival Tips Tech Preps 0

Prepper insurance ideas!
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps

insuranceThis topic is something that I have seen a lot in discussion lately, a lot of us prep, store food, store weapons, medical supplies and the like. But the question is do we have prepper insurance? What I mean by this is do we have backups for our backups? Just like in anything else we need insurance, we need a plan B in case those preps we have stored run out or we no longer have access to them.

Prepper insurance ideasIn this episode I will discuss why we need to focus a lot more of our time on skill outside of the bug in scenario and learn more about primitive ways of living. The skills I will talk about and focus on in this episode is growing food, hunting, fishing, trapping, and being able to identify plants and what is good to eat and what is not. I will also discuss alternate water sources and how we can get clean drinking water if we do not have access to our bug in supply.

insuranceThe need may arise when bugging in is no longer an option, these skills can save your life and the lives of others around you. I have had numerous conversations with other preppers and I was so surprised to find out a lot of them do not possess these skills or have no interest in them. To me this seems like a defeating attitude to have toward prepping, the point of prepping is to backup what the stores cannot provide, but redundancy like anything in life is essential. Why not do it with prepping?

The topic of backup for backups to some may seem like an arbitrary notion, but until you run down all of the scenarios that may happen you should be prepared for anything that may arise. I would use the old saying do not put all of your eggs in one basket, and I think it rings true to prepping. Do not count on your preps you have stored to get you by forever, preps run out, the alternative food source is key and should be on all of our minds. Enjoy the show and again questions are welcome!

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