What is a Prepper? & Heart Felt Loss for P.B. N.

What is a Prepper? & Heart Felt Loss for P.B. N.

September 24, 2013 Community Involvment Family Groups Mind Set Newbies Preparing For Life's Storms Prepper Mentality Preppers 4

Bexar profile People ask me all the time, what is a prepper? Are we what some people think preppers are? Those strange people you see on reality TV that give you the creeps or the homesteader you see at the farmers market. I guess there will always be some that meet that stereotype, but for most preppers we look more like the Wikipedia definition of a prepper “Prepper is an individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances.” Preppers just purchase more insurance to cover what each individual sees as likely probability to occur.

PrepperAs a prepper how can you find your place in the prepping community, find your niche of like minded people? Do you take the chance to open yourself to meeting other preppers or do you stay alone? Where can you find other like minded people? Once you make your connections do you go it alone or do you form a group? Which would give you greater survivability or greater flexibility? Join BexarPrepper for her final show “Preparing For Life’s Storms” Tuesday September 24th at 8 pm central time where we’ll talk about this a so much more.

From the producer: It is with great regret for the network and myself personally to see our host Bexar Prepper of Preparing For Life’s Storms leave the network. I have know doubts that I speak for anyone that knows Bexar that she will be missed dearly on Tuesday night’s. She has provided all of us with a wealth of information, great guests, and a whole lot of fun. It has been my greatest pleasure in working with Bexar and while saddened I still look forward to this broadcast. Fortunately we will still have the wonderful information she provides through her YouTube channel and if you are not a subscriber I encourage you to do so by going HERE! I hope that you will all join us in chat to listen, learn and give thanks for more than a years worth of hard work and effort Bexar has given to help us all on our road to self reliance and independence through this network.

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