Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

June 9, 2012 Disaster Economy Food News Prepper Folks Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

The Prepper Folks are very excited to have the opportunity to welcome Ray Gano.  Ray is a lecturer,  blogger,  and the author of “Survive The Coming Storm” By Ray Gano .

Ray lives a preparedness lifestyle.  Tonight we will be talking to him about how he is prepping and why he is prepping.  We will ask him what he is doing these days to prepare and what he thinks about current events.

Insane spending by past and current administrations has led us into staggering debt. Paying back the loans and interest gathered in the attempt to spend out way out of that debt has become impossible.

The demise of the dollar is looming, poised to die in flaming downward spiral. When it hits bottom, this nation will fall into chaos like she has never seen before, plunging into third -world status. Food, gas, and most everything else will become drastically more expensive, coupled with a rise in crime. The “New Normal” for our nation will be upon us as these changes take place.

Hollywood has painted an apocalyptic world, filled with mutant “Mad Max” biker gangs and zombies as this nation’s future. What is sad is that the masses have bought into this false idea.

In this book the author, Ray Gano, takes examples from history as well as from a Christian biblical standpoint showing what you can do to prepare. Is your family prepared to Survive The Coming Storm?Looking forward to some interesting fireside conversation?  Listen to this exceptional show in player below.

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