Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster

December 17, 2013 Books Fiction Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster on Best of Prepper Broadcasting!
Host: Lynna “Other Side… A Preppers Path

Prepper BooksPrepper books author Ron Foster;  survivalist, instructor and mentor for many joins Lynna as her special guest to discuss real life events and how they are mirrored in his trilogy. Learn the realities of prepping and surviving through Fiction. Ron’s Prepper Road Saga is more than a fictional story, while it is entertaining, you are drawn into the real world and how to cope with real questions you will want to ask yourself and see the answers. Ron is an experienced and educated man with degrees in Emergency Management, military service and survival knowledge all rolled into one and willing to assist others. 

About Ron Foster Biography 

Prepper BooksI am going through what most would call a career change. My background competencies include being a Gemologist (Diamond and colored stone appraiser) series 7 and 63 license (Investment banker) Army soldier and Air Force Airman, corporate administrator and entrepreneur to name a few. I received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Empire State College in Human Services with a specialty in Emergency Management Administration and Planning at age 50. I have a Masters of Administrative Science (MAS) from Fairleigh Dickinson University with 7 graduate certificates.

Certifications include: Alabama Emergency Managers Association (Certified Emergency Manager), National Association Of Safety Professionals (Certified Emergency Management Specialist), FEMA Professional Development Certificate Series awarded, and has Graduate Certificates in: Administrative Science, Emergency Management Administration, Global Security and Terrorism Studies Certificate, Displaced Persons Certificate, School Security & Safety Administration Certificate, Law and Public Safety Administration, and Non Profit Organization and Management. Aalso Have a Masters of Science from Capella University in Human Services

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