Prepper Basics, Now is the time!

Prepper Basics, Now is the time!

July 11, 2014 I Am Liberty Newbies Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

Prepper Basics, Now is the time!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

Prepper Basics I am liberty 400x300I am very proud to be part of a group of individuals who consistently remain two steps ahead. Two steps ahead of the average nit wit that doesn’t care about anything other than a Kardashian. There is no reason to be ahead of the curve if you aren’t preparing or taking steps to be effective or what good is it?

Tonight we will talk about “Prepper Basics” what I believe to be the very basic steps you must take for your family in combating exactly what’s happening all around us. If you are new to idea of preparing for disaster or preparing for reality, however you want to look at it, this show will give you a basic raft by which you may stay afloat.

It wont be a certain number. This wont be a 10 THINGS EVERY PREPPER MUST HAVE type of show. This will be a very important and very extensive discussion both on what to have and why to have it. If you are on the fence about getting started this will be the show to watch.

Prepper BasicsWe will also have Vince Deniro on tonight to tell us about the great publication Prepper & Shooter Magazine. If you want to talk about getting started prepping its very important to have great sources of information. You will learn all about this great publication and how it can help you in your endeavors.

Don’t miss tonight’s show. Especially if you are in the early stages of starting to prepare or even if you are on the fence please don’t miss this show. There will be a bit of everything important. I want to touch on Israel, the caliphate, the border, the food, the water the future and what you need to do to prepare for all of these things. We joke a lot on I AM Liberty and have a great time but Friday night is about taking first steps, very important first steps.
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