Preparing our Communities!

Preparing our Communities!

March 14, 2014 Preppers 0

Preparing our Communities!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

PreparingThe turmoil in the world is ever growing. The deeper we dig the worse it gets. The lungs tighten and breath gets short. It gets to the point where, if you’re not careful, you can get rather jaded about this life. The news, the leadership and the actions of a lost populace are enough to exacerbate even the most resilient of us.

So we find solace in our hobbies and our vices. This has also created some problems in society too. We eat too much, drink too much, smoke too much, game too much making the escape just as much a problem as the turmoil we are running from. Well, you ask yourself, what is the answer?

I don’t have all of the answers but I think we have to harken back to our ancestral monkey brains. We need to build back our troops. Not the ones with guns. A community of monkeys is known as a troop. We desire for similar community interaction. I can’t tell you how important this is. We are going to talk about preparing our communities. We have to talk about the Reroot USA movement.

PreparingThere are so many voids in our lives that can be filled by the folks you drive passed every day. The movement is about bringing people back together. Understanding we don’t all have to agree to get along but to be effective in this society I believe we have to be together. Growing food, helping children, trading and being effective as a society, just a few ideas.

For those of you who know about the Reroot USA movement it’s time for a much needed review. For the rest buckle in and prepare to be enlightened. These aren’t new ideas but they are all very important things we need to start today. Don’t miss I Am Liberty at its new time 9pm EST Fridays at
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