Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam!

Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam!

July 29, 2017 Opinion Preparedness Preppers Shows Survival Tips 0

Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam!

Want Information? The Round Table Grand Slam!Have you ever felt unsure, will it work kind of unsure? You’ve spent a lot of time and preparation putting this one together and the variables that could cause a major malfunction are many. Check the list and recheck, what was missed? When you’re all done you give a little prayer and pull the trigger. Guess what? You’ve hit a home run.

Preppers/Survival of the Round Table was just that, a home run. When you put 5 experts in what they do regarding prepping and survival together, give them a 90 minute platform to answer and discuss a list of intriguing prepper/survival related questions you wonder if all will go well. As producer of this particular show I could see many bumps in the road but we missed them all and had a very informative, intriguing, and for myself a very rewarding show.

Liste2 to this once in a life time show in player below. Hosted by no other than Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton of Doom and Bloom who deliver the questions and the panel of five experts that discuss and field the questions you have likely thought about or faced as a prepper or survivalist.

Visit the guests and learn more about them by clicking HERE!


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